“One Man Tells Tale” & Other Parts is a two-part series addressing two different aspects of documentary photography. With this work Cameron Paterson is questioning representation and narrative with a series of self-portraits and character studies, examining the absolute truth associated with photography as a form as evidence.
Drawing on existing aesthetic and technical decisions, often associated with the connotations of objective documentation, this project uses those established techniques against the genre. Paterson presents images and stories as truth, even though they are completely fictitious. These are all brought together in the edit in a criticism of the documentary genre.
This has been a challenging year for the production of physical work. However, this being said, I have produced a 16-page zine for this project. I had always envisioned it being a physical zine. Every decision made on editing, sequencing etc, has been with the idea of a physical object in which you could flip through yourself. Because of this, I have persevered and printed a run of 100 copies, which are available upon request via email for £5 each. 30 copies from this run of 100 are available with a double-sided poster measuring 70cm x 50cm for £10.
You can view and download the PDF of this zine HERE